Scrubs Insect Repellent Towelette - 30 %, DEET, 100
Insect repellent formula combined with a large, lint-free wipe
30% DEET insect repellent formula provides a safe, yet highly effective level of protection
Wipe allows for a one-step, controlled application making it safer to use around the face than aerosol and pump sprays with no worry of inhaling mist or vapors (do not apply product near eyes and mouth)
Once applied, the formula is waterproof and greaseless so it will not interfere with activities or tasks
Each wipe is individually packaged making it convenient to take along and easy to store
Non-greasy, waterproof formula
Provides protection from the insects that carry the West Nile Virus
Priced each, case quantity of 100
Package Quantity | 100 |
Active Ingredient Amount | 0.3 |
Active Ingredient | DEET |
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