AHT-H-2496 Adjustable Height Stool - Steel, 16 in Raised, 500 lb Capacity, 24 in x 96 in Platform Size
Minimizes fatigue by elevating workers to heights that are comfortable and ergonomically correct
Especially useful when multiple shift employees operate the same piece of machinery
Serrated style platforms ensure safe footing in most wet environments
Ergonomic matting deck style provides comfort for the operator who stands all day
The height of each leg can be adjusted individually to ensure proper working height
All sizes have four legs except the 60"-, 72"- and 96"-long models which have six legs
Uniform capacity is 500 lbs each
Welded construction
Platform Length | 96 in |
Platform Surface Type | Ergo Matting |
Raised Height | 16 in |
Platform Width | 24 in |
Material | Steel |
Platform Weight Capacity | 500 lb |
Lowered Height | 10-1/2 in |
Platform Size | 24 x 96 in |
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