Zinsser® CLEAR BIN® Sealer - Clear, 1 gal Container
To permanently block odors without changing a surface’s appearance, choose Rust-Oleum® Zinsser® CLEAR B-I-N® Sealer.
This de-waxed shellac solution eliminates the toughest odors—food, pet urine, cigarette smoke and more—and won’t yellow with age.
De-waxed shellac-base sealer
For interior use
Ultimate odor blocker
Seals odors from food, mold and mildew, pet urine, fire and smoke damage, and cigars and cigarettes
Clear formula preserves original surface appearance
Sticks to all interior surfaces without sanding
Ultra fast dry – topcoat in 45 minutes
Resin Type | Shellac-Base |
Color | Clear |
Msds Id Number | BIN-05 |
Gal | manufacturer upc number 020066188337 |
Ft²/Gal | weight 8 |
Lbs | volatile organic compound content 700 |
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