Laser Distance Measurer - LCD Display, AAA, ±1/16 in Accuracy, 165 ft Max Measure
Range 165’ (50m) / Accuracy +/- 1/16" (1.5mm)
Measures distance, calculates area & volume
Automatic calculations make job estimates quick & easy
Continuous measurement finds distance from target quickly & easily
Indirect measurement using pythagoras measures height even when point A and/or point B is not accessible for linear measurement
Unit stores last 5 measurements taken for reference
Backlit, 2 line display provides visibility in all working conditions
Corner stand-Off end post makes true corner-to-corner measurements easy & accurate
Power Source | Battery |
Maximum Measurement | 165 ft |
Imperial Or Metric | Imperial |
Display Type | LCD |
Accuracy | ±1/16 in |
Battery Type | AAA |
Measurement Range | 165 ft |
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