Offset Link - Chain & Pitch: C2040 / 1 in, Double Pitch, Spring Clip, Carbon Steel Material
Ring-coined connecting links eliminate the “weak” link, providing the same fatigue strength as the base chain
Higher tensile strength for superior impact resistance
Heat treatment to achieve ideal hardness
Shot-peening provides greater fatigue strength
Pre-stressing minimizes initial elongation and time consuming adjustments
Sold by the each
Link Type | Offset |
Link Plate Height | 0.472 in |
Material | Carbon Steel |
Link Plate Thickness | 0.06 in |
Number Of Strands Across | 1 |
Pin Diameter | 0.156 in |
Chain Construction | Spring Clip, Double Pitch |
Chain Overall Width | 0.717 in |
Roller Diameter | 0.312 in |
Chain Number & Pitch | C2040 / 1 in |
Inside Width | 0.312 in |
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