HC480B423046060B14R ROSSI

HC480B423046060B14R ROSSI


HC480B423046060B14R ROSSI


HC480B423046060B14R ROSSI MFR

80-4P 0,75kW NstdV B14 SS

ROSSI - HC480B423046060B14R ROSSI

The HC480B423046060B14R Rossi is part of the HyCLEAN range. These extremely solid stainless steel motors are very suitable for use in food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries where moisture resistance and hygiene are of the utmost importance. In these environments motors come into contact with humidity, water jets, chemicals and oil.The HC4's housing is made of AISI 316 grade stainless steel. An important feature of this material is its excellent corrosion resistance. In addition, the interior is able to withstand rough conditions as well. The rotor has an anti-corrosion coating and the windings are encased in an extra hard two-component resin.This HyCLEAN motor lives up to its name as it is very easy to clean thanks to a highly streamlined design. The scratch-resistant design of the HC480B423046060B14R with IP68 rating makes sanitisation a breeze. Dirt doesn't get a chance to adhere to the smooth surface and the lack of a fan and cooling fins prevents the spread of bacteria.Rossi is a renowned Italian company which pays a lot of attention to technical innovations and where quality and reliability are held in high regard. In addition, within its wide range of products there is always a tailor-made solution to be found. Rossi products are used in a wide selection of diverse industries including the metal, gas and oil industry and offshore marine applications.


Brand Rossi
Item Number HC480B423046060B14R Rossi
Category Stainless Steel Motors
Manufacturer Part Number (Mpn) HC480B423046060B14R
Weight (Kg) 22.70
Rated Power (Kw) 0.75
Mounting B14 (inner flange)
Speed At 50Hz (Rpm) 1500 / 4-Poles
Frequency 60Hz
Ip Class IP68
Brake No Brake
Explosion Safety (Atex) No protection
Iec Framesize 80
Energie Efficiency Not applicable



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