Hydraulic Oil - 5 gal, Pail, 20 SAE Grade, 46 ISO Grade
Exceptional load carrying capabilities
Specially formulated (with no zinc or other metal additives) to provide effective corrosion protection and anti-wear performance in hydraulic systems
Rated as anti-wear (AW) fluids according to ASTM D7043 testing and FZG testing, which means the potential for greater operating reliability, less downtime and lower maintenance costs
When proper fluid and equipment maintenance procedures are followed, offers a long service life and operating reliability, lower maintenance costs and reduced overall downtime
High flash and fire points provide safety in applications calling for fire-resistant fluids, thus providing operating confidence and potentially reduced insurance costs
High viscosity indices and low pour points, allow year-round usage and eliminate seasonal changeovers
Readily biodegradable according to OECD 301F
Does not cause a sheen or discoloration on the surface of the water or adjoining shorelines that would violate local water quality standards
“Practically Non-Toxic” to fish and other aquatic wildlife according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service hazard classification
Iso Grade | 46 |
Container Size | 5 gal |
Sae Grade | 20 |
Container Type | Pail |
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