Dixie Industries Pike Pole - Straight Pike & Hook, Ash Handle, 14 ft Long
All handles are second growth American ash, with straight grain throughout entire handle length and air dried
Ash is used in Pike Poles because it is lighter in weight than other woods, and the extremely long grains offer resiliency of tearing before breaking
Pike hooks are manufactured from a single piece of high carbon steel and drop forged
Shanks are threaded to allow screwing into handle after the seamless, notched steel ferrules are driven on
Pike points have twisted thread, resisting removal unless half turned after being seated
Pike hooks are available in three styles: straight pike & hook, curved pike & hook and straight pike only (curved pike & hook and straight pike only are available on a special order basis)
Principal use of Pike Poles is handling timber in water
Made in U.S.A.
Head Style | Straight Pike & Hook |
Handle Diameter | 1-1/2 in |
Handle Material | Ash |
Pike & Hook Material | Drop Forged Steel |
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