Brand | Neutral |
Item Number | KU15,081AISI420 Neutral |
Technical Details (Aisi420) | AISI420=AISI420 Modified Is A 13Cr Martensitic Stainless Steel Used Extensively On Completion Equipment In Both Bars And Tubular Form, For Structural And Pressure Containing Members, In Standard And Co2 Environment. Ph, Chlorides, Temperature And H2S Can Limit Its Use In Other Environments. Typical Yield Strength For Sour Service Is 551Mpa (80Ksi). Iso 15156-3 Limits The Hardness To 22 Hrc Max For Sour Service. The Alloy Is Almost Similar To The L80 13Cr Described In Api 5Ct And In ISO 11960. |
Category | Stainless Steel Ball for Bearings |
Inner (D) Mm | - |
Outer (D) Mm | 15,08 |
Width (B) Mm | - |
Weight (Kg) | 0.0141 |
Manufacturer Part Number (Mpn) | KU15,081AISI420 |
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