Shaft Alignment Tool, Automatic Measurement , Three Position Free Measurement (min. 40° total angle)
The TKSA 51 shaft alignment tool provides high measurement flexibility and performance suitable for entry- level to expert alignmnet jobs.
Designed to work with the shaft alignment for TKSA 51 app on a tablet or smart phone, this intuitive tool is easy to use and requires no special training.
The included accessorries enable use of the TKSA 51 for a wide range of alignment applications, such as motors, drives, fans, pumps, gearboxes and more.
The tool's mobile app includes tutorial videos to show operators how to perform accurate measurements.
Measurement flexibility- the well known three position measurement gains additional flexibility as measurements can start at any angle and require a total minimal rotation of only 40 degrees.
This enables operators to perform alignments on applications with limited space.
Alignment reports are generated automatically and can be customized with notes, a machine picture and a signature via touchscreen.
These reports can be exported as PDF files and shared with other mobile apps.
A range of included components , such as magnetic mounting brackets and extension rods and chains, increase the TKSA 51's versatility, yet it remains compact, lightweight and easy to carry.
User Interface | iOS |
Alignment Correction | Live values for vertical and horizontal machine position correction. Adjustable shocks compatible (Vibracons). Soft foot correction available with separate "Soft Foot for TKSA 51" app on Apple App Store |
Alignment Measurement | Three Position Free (min. 40° total angle), Automatic Measurement |
Alignment Report | Automatic pdf report exportable via email/cloud services |
Shaft Diameter | 20 to 150 mm (0.8 to 5.9 in.), up to 450 mm (17.7 in.) with extension chains supplied |
Measuring Errors / Displayed Resolution | Less 1% + 1 digit |
Sensors And Communication | 20 mm (0.8 in.) PSD with red line laser Class 2; Bluetooth 4.0 LE |
System Measuring Distance | 0.07 to 5 m (0.23 to 16.4 ft) |
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