Two Position / Three Volume Hand Pump for Single Acting Cylinder - 115.500 in³ Oil Capacity, 3000 psi Max Pressure, 0.600 in³ Max Volume per Stroke
At applied force of 60 to 65 lbs on handle—pressure to 6000 psi may be developed with more force
Handle is selective, two-positioning
Pressure seals consist of O-ring and Hytrel back-up washers
Extra heavy pipe handle is 14-3/4 in long
4-bolt foot mount for 3/8 bolts
Float check to prevent oil from sloshing out, and a dipstick to check oil level
May be used with double acting cylinders provided a two-way hand valve is used to direct the flow and return port is installed on the reservoir.
Handle carrier prevents losing of handle
Pump Type | Two Position / Three Volume |
Oil Port Size | 3/8 NPTF |
Use With Ram Type | Single Acting Cylinder |
Piston Diameter | 0.6875 in |
Oil Capacity | 115.5 in³ |
Overall Length | 9.3125 in |
Maximum Operating Pressure | 3000 psi |
Overall Width | 6 in |
Maximum Pressure At Low Speed | 1500 psi |
Weight | 27 lbs |
Volume Per Stroke At High Pressure | 0.6 in³ |
Volume Per Stroke At Low Pressure | 1.25 in³ |
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